1023 TPS Building,5th Floor,Phattanakarn Rd., Suanluang,Bangkok,10250 Thailand

The localize solutions for international business

SMART/WMS (warehouse management system) is software made to help users improve the efficiency of tracking inventory and supplies as they move through a warehouse or distribution center. SMART WMS also makes certain processes, such as receiving, picking, and putting away products, faster and more accurate.

Minimum System Requirements
  • CPU Dual Core with 8 GB Memory
  • Harddisk 200 GB with RAIDĀ 
  • Window 2016 / 2019 Server Standard EditionĀ  or above
  • Remote Support Software
  • CPU Intel corei3 with 4 GB Memory
  • Harddisk 40 GB
  • Windows 8.1 Pro, Windows 10 or above
  • MS SQL Server 2015 /2019 Standard Edition or above

General Features

  • Be able to set as an unlimited Warehouse / Zone / Shelves / Level / Bin.
  • Be able to set the type of Zone such as (Hazard Zone, Normal Zone) and set the number of Shelves and Levels within the Zone to create a bin automatically
  • Define storage properties such as motion type (fast move, slow move), space size CM2, CM3, maximum storage capacity, storage order or pick up

Product categories management

Key Benefit &Features
  • Define groups, categories of products to search, store and inquire
  • Define the unit conversion factor per purchase/receive, unit and per sales/disbursement unit
  • Set storage conditions separated by Lot No / Sub Lot
  • Set Minimum Qty. To fill in the case of Pick face
  • Set Shelves life and Unit Weight for use in the process Store and pick up products
  • Designate the responsible person (PIC) of each item

ERP system connection

Key Benefit &Features
  • Be able to receive data such as, Warehouse Received, Production Received, Warehouse Transfer, Delivery Plan from ERP system working order
  • Be able to send Work Order to Handheld Scanner or AS / RS equipment to store or pick up products according to specified conditions.
  • Be able to send Warehouse Received Confirmation, Shipment Confirmation to the ERP system to confirm the result.

    *** Linking with the ERP system or various equipment must be studied on the requirements How to connect And details to customize the software to suit and support the work.

Storage conditions management

Key Benefit &Features
  • Be able to set a single lot, mix lots in the same location (bin)
  • Can set a pallet storage
  • Can set a put-away strategy to store according Zone / Shelf / Level / Bin specified or according to Sequence, Movement Type
  • Can set Picking Strategy to pick products according to FIFO, LIFO or according to the specified Sequence.
  • Inventory and product stock management

    Key Benefit &Features
    • Manage products with FIFO LIFO on Request
    • Support cost calculation for FIFO and Average Cost
    • Support for product transfer
    • Able to do part counting according to Zone / Shelves / Level has
    • Prepare the item count to count or Scan Barcode to count
    • Published a report comparing the count to improve
    • Updates from the count or adjust when needed
    • Can analyze product movement (Fast Move / Slow Move)

    Report and status inquiry

    Key Benefit &Features
  • Able to view reports back by period (Period)
  • Inquire and make a report on the movement of goods
  • Report of inventories classified by Location (Bin)
  • Balance inquiry and product status during the location (Bin)
  • Balance inquiry Inventories in each location according to the MAP