1023 TPS Building,5th Floor,Phattanakarn Rd., Suanluang,Bangkok,10250 Thailand

The localize solutions for international business
Why SMART / Human resource management?
SMART/HRMS solution was evaluated by customer HR & IT rigorously. The Application Software has been developed based on industrial environment basis and it will be supported and modified by the team whom designed and developed the software which have over 20 years experience in application software development, implementation and support services. In necessary case, the Application Software is able to modify and customize in accordance with user requirement.
Minimum System Requirements
  • CPU – Intel Dual Core with 8 GB Memory
  • Hard disk capacity 200 GB (recommend to implement RAID)
  • Internet Access for Remote Support
  • Remote Connection Software
  • Windows 2016 / 2019 Standard Edition or latest version
  • Database Microsoft SQL Server 2015/2019 or latest version
  • CPU Dual Core with 4 GB Memory
  • Hard disk capacity : 40 GB
  • Windows 8.1 Pro / Windows 10 Pro

Organization Management

Key Benefit &Features
  • User defines Organization Structure with 4 available Levels
  • Unlimited user defines Branch / Division / Department / Section code, Job Title and Position
  • Able to assign multiple positions in single staff (Act for position)
  • User Defined Salary Level in accordance with Position
  • Able to define Key Competency, Job Specialist, Skill into individual position and it can be referred in Recruitment Module
  • Able to export current employee salary information to excel for salary adjustment process manually
  • Able to import adjusted employee salary information from excel to system


Key Benefit &Features
  • Work associated with Organization Module for Resources Planning
  • Provides Recruitment Approval function to approve the request prior announce to public
  • Able to input candidate information via Web application and user able to search candidate information to match with key competencies in each position
  • Able to input candidate information via Web application and user able to search candidate information to match with key competencies in each position
  • Able to defines Written exam schedule or Interview schedule with interviewer
  • Engaged Staff information can be transferred to Employee Master Database (Employee Personal Information)

Personal Administration

Key Benefit &Features
  • Able to manage Employee Profile with high level of details
  • Support both Daily and Monthly salary basis
  • Support various type of Employment
  • Able to defined Personal info. for income tax calculation
  • Able to defined Personal info. for income tax calculation

Time management

Key Benefit &Features
  • User defines Working Time Table associated with Shift / Employee Group (Working Time and O.T. can be defined over to next working day)
  • Unlimited Working Shift generation
  • Able to define Temporary Shift Change for individual or group of employee by defined the range of working day
  • Flexible user defines O.T. Rate with condition
  • Able to handle O.T. before working hours
  • Able to pre-record O.T. requested, system will calculate actual O.T. in accordance with the O.T. requested information or actual working time
  • Automatically O.T. calculation with approval function
  • Able to define working calendar for group or individual employee
  • Able to define working calendar for group or individual employee
  • Provide several attendance and O.T. reports such as
  • Provide Bus Line Arrangement function for O.T. Worker
  • Unlimited user defines Leave Code, such as : Sick, Vacation, Business, Military, Maternity etc.
  • User defined condition and limitation of each Leave Code
  • User defined condition and limitation of each Leave Code
  • Automatically deduct salary for absent / Leave without pay / Over limit
  • Automatically deduct salary for absent / Leave without pay / Over limit
  • Able to buy outstanding Annual Leave from Employee

Benefit Management

Key Benefit &Features
  • Unlimited defines Welfare code
  • Able to defines condition by group basis
  • Able to defines welfare group by individual employee
  • Maintaining Multiple Provident Fund with contribution conditions as Fixed Rates or Year of Services
  • Unlimited and Flexible user defines Allowances
  • Provides Monthly / Weekly diligent allowance function with condition
  • Able to define allowance by individual Employee with conditions such as Language, Skill Allowance , Risk Allowance etc.
  • Able to define allowance by Position with conditions such as Gasoline Allowance, Position Allowance
  • Able to define allowance by Shift with conditions such as Shift Allowance, Food Allowance etc.
  • Import/Export Function

    Key Benefit &Features
    • Flexible user defines payment period for employee (Max. 2 time per period)
    • Automatically generate all incomes / deducts transaction from sub-module
    • Ability to calculate Salary and O.T. in pro-rata rate (if salary has been adjusted during working period)
    • Manual input or adjust payment transaction with authorized user
    • Defines Taxation Rate and calculation criteria associated with Thai Laws
    • Interface with Social Security Office / Revenue Department and Bank for auto-payment and Taxation
    • Provides Official reports for Revenue Department and Social Security Office
    • Provides Official reports for Revenue Department and Social Security Office
    • Provides Official reports for Revenue Department and Social Security Office
    • Protect Back Date Income/Deduction data amendment for Closed period
    • Provides various type of payroll report

    Education & Training

    Key Benefit &Features
    • Unlimited standard Training Course and subject defines
    • Able to defines Yearly Training Plan
    • Able to record Education & Training History of individual employee
    • Able to define Training Cost and assign to either employee or employer
    • User defines Training Road Map for individual position
    • User defines Training Road Map for individual position
    • Provides report of Summary of Skill Development Fund Contributions (ST. 2) for Department of Skill Development

    Web Based Self Service

    Key Benefit &Features
  • User Defines authorized & Security
  • Allow Employees access to company Intranet Website to inquire the Leave history and outstanding, Training history
  • Able to apply the Leave application via Employee Self Service function
  • Provides Leave Approval function for responsible person to approve directly